Oud Leden Vereniging


It is possible to keep a sports card for another four years after graduation and to remain a member of T.S.T.V. Lacoste. But it's not over after that, because then there's the Old Members Association.

You only have to study for a while but you are an Lacostian for life!

The OLV wants to revive the ultimate Lacoste spirit. This is done with two high-quality activities every year. In the spring there is the OLV tournament, where tennis is played in a stylish and unique location. Real grass tennis in Eastbourne or dig into the gravel of Spa, Hanover and Barcelona. The OLV was there!

In the autumn, action and relaxation are combined with the autumn activity. In addition, the OLV participates in a number of TSTV Lacoste activities, such as the Christmas dinner or lustrum gala.

Do you want to know more? Check out the OLV Facebook page for an impression of the activities. If you have any questions, please send an email to olv@tstvlacoste.nlWe hope to welcome you soon at the OLV!

The annual membership fee is 15 euros per year. You will also receive the yearbook for this. You can register by sending an email to

De Oud Leden Vereniging heeft op het moment geen bestuur en wordt bestuurd door het huidige bestuur van T.S.T.V. Lacoste

