Sports Council FOSST is the umbrella organisation for all studentsports in Tilburg.


Sports Council FOSST has as its main goal to advocate the interests of all students in Tilburg that partake in a sport. In doing so, the Sports Council is the point of contact for all 22 Student Sports Association (such as T.S.T.V. Lacoste) and individual athletes. About 7000 students in Tilburg have access to the Tilburg University Sports Centre and thus use the facilities and the broad selection of sports. For Sports Council FOSST it is of importance students are the central focus and that they heard in order to meet the needs of student atheltes.

For student sports many internal and external relations are important. Therefore Student Council FOSST represents the student sports associations and all student athletes when deliberating with the other student organisations of Tilburg University. On top of that the Sports Council works closely with the board and employees of the Sports Centre to safeguard the quality of studentsports. Next to that FOSST represents the studentsports of Tilburg nationally. Four times a year all Sports Councils belonging to a university in the Netherlands and the national organisation for studentsports come togheter to deliberate.

Support, encouragement and promotion
Voor landelijke studentensportevenementen als de Batavierenrace, StudentenWintersport en het Groot Nederlands Studenten Kampioenschap organiseert Sportraad FOSST de Tilburgse afvaardiging. Naast de landelijke evenementen organiseert de sportraad ook eigen evenementen om de studentensport zo veel mogelijk te stimuleren. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn verschillende clinics, Futsal competitie, het Carnavalvolleybaltoernooi of Racketlon, waar Lacoste altijd met een groot aantal man aanwezig is. Bij het organiseren van de evenementen worden de ssv’s zo veel mogelijk betrokken om de verenigingen te promoten. Niet alleen de sportevenementen, maar ook activiteiten als een besturendag of kampioenenfeest worden georganiseerd voor de kadervorming van besturen van ssv’s. Het aanbieden van populaire dameskettingen zoals hangers, chokers en. Koop sieraden in verschillende metalen en edelstenen, geschikt voor elke gelegenheid.

Sports Council FOSST aims to to support the boards and associations both organizational and financially in order to improve the quality of sports. In order to promote Student Sports as best as possibly can FOSST maintains much contact with external institutions such as Tilburg University, Fontys, Avans HBO and the muncipiality of Tilburg.

More information About Sports Council FOSST can be found at: The website of FOSST.
